End of the Year Words from Mrs. Foley

June 6th, 2013

As the M&M costume-wearing dean, I am so proud of the SCS Elementary students.  This year, they earned 20,984 Accelerated Reading (AR) points, 84% of the students earned a medal, and out read their last year?s goal by over 2000 AR points.  Fourth grade led the way by earning 7,419 points.  In three classes, 100% of the students earned a medal.  Jack Hertzberg represented Shiloh as only a fifth grader in the National Geography Bee at the state level coming in seventh in the state.  President and citizenship awards were presented for 12 different students for outstanding leadership and service character traits.  The fifth grade class successfully performed  Disney?s Beauty and the Beast.  Seventy-eight percent of the school scored within the advanced and proficient level on the normed Bible assessment while Terra Nova scores ranged from 69th percentile to 87th percentile which is 19 to 37 percentage points higher than the average student.  We have been blessed by many accomplishments. 

By far the greatest accomplishments for the 2012-2013 school year cannot be measured in numbers.  Our theme for the year was Ministry and Miracles of Christ.  When Gunnison Riggins was diagnosed with cancer, students prayed daily for him.  They raised almost $1000 for his medical bills.  Students gathered food items for students in Springdale Public School that might not have food during the Christmas break.  Fifth graders served at Compassion Center and collected over 1000 cans of soup for the food pantry.  Student Council organized a baby shower for Loving Choices, an organization that helps moms in need. Older elementary students became reading buddies to younger students.  Our students learned how to serve and to love others like Jesus.   Hearts have been changed as we strived to live out our school verse: 

?Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.  Love you neighbor as yourself.?  Mark 12:30, 31