Foley's Facts

August 30th, 2013

This week in Elementary:

  • Chapel-We took a few minutes to talk about God's plan for each of us as godly leaders.  We saw in our nature lesson how God designed ducklings to leave the nest to feed themselves, although baby birds need the mother bird to feed them until they can fly.  Biblically, we learned about a famous godly leader, Nehemiah.  One character trait we saw in Nehemiah was happiness.  Godly leaders choose to be happy.  As we delight in The Lord's instruction we will be HAPPY, godly leaders just like God planned!
  • Cookie Dough-The kick-off was today.  I hope you received your packet.  If everyone sells $140 we will reach our goal to cover field trips, special events like ice cream social and new technology like EBeams!  Please have all orders turned in by September 13th.  Cookie dough delivery will be September 30.
  • Terra Nova 3 Meeting-  It was a joy to share with parents about our plans to continue to improve our school academics.  If you didn't get to attend the noon meeting, I will hold a morning meeting in October.  Look in the newsletters for TN3-CSIP Meetings.
  • Looking for moms (or dads) who could volunteer one hour a week and help our students with AR and for a flyer in your Friday folders.


  • September 5:  Open House and Ice Cream Social from 5:30-6:30.  
  • September 20: Camo Day and Dads & Donuts at 7.
  • September 27:  3rd Grade Grandparents' Day program begins in the Worship Center at 9:00.  Dismissal will be after the program ends.  No extended care.