Foley's Facts

September 19th, 2014

It has been a full week for elementary! 

Dads and Donuts - We ran out of donuts!  Thanks for the incredible turn out!  Student Council helped with Childhood Cancer Awareness and Watch Dog Dads.  If you are interested in eating lunch with your child and going to recess with them, we would love for you to sign up. It's not too late - just email me a day you can come, and we will put you on the calendar.  Extra eyes, hands, and feet make for a safer school!

Thank you for making our cookie dough fundraiser a success!  This year was our greatest sale in my time as dean.  We have covered our field trips and made a great start toward additional technology.   

Chapel - Ask your child what kind of king Rehoboam was.  I hope they say wishy-washy (with a twist).  We learned that godly leaders listen to godly advice. 

Reminders - 

  • September box tops are due no later than Monday morning.  The prize will be a mystery box. 
  • Cookie Dough Delivery - Monday, September 29 @ Kidz Theatre.  We will tweet and email when the truck arrives. 
  • Grandparents' Day program at 9:00 in the Worship Center.  Students will be dismissed after the program.  No extended care.