Biblical Integration

At Shiloh Christian School, we believe that all truth is God's Truth. In everything we do from an elementary language lesson, to an advanced physics class in our secondary, our staff looks for unique ways to integrate God's truth into the lives and education of our students. Each student from PreK4 - 12th grade has a Christian Studies/Bible class built into their weekly course work. 


Spiritual growth is emphasized in all aspects of Shiloh life. All students particpate in a weekly chapel service featuring; special speakers, student participation, and worship through music.

Elementary students attend a weekly chapel service in the Worship Center on Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. Elementary students sing worship songs, recite the pledge of allegiance, the pledge to the Christian flag, and a weekly memory verse. Elementary chapel is led by Principal Katerina Foley with an occasional guest speaker.

Secondary students meet for chapel in the Worship Center on Tuesdays after 3rd period. The secondary school is blessed to host a wide variety of speakers from members of Shiloh's staff to renowned speakers from all over the country, such as Josh McDowell, Herschel Walker, Jamie Ragle, and Dr. Jay Stack. Each chapel begins with worship led by current Shiloh students.

Global Mission Trips

Global Mission Experience (GME) gives students in twelfth grade an engaging international mission experience for credit in their high school studies. It is the goal of Shiloh Christian School that every graduate benefits from this experience.  In order to facilitate this goal, the school will pay for one of these life changing trips for each student.

Over 1000 students have participated in a Global Mission Experience to places such as Thailand, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Croatia, Haiti, England, Guatemala, and Mexico.  It is an experience that has the power to impact a student for life.

Objectives of GME

  • Evangelize the lost through personal soul-winning and ministry.
  • Encourage and equip fellow believers around the world.
  • Expand the student's understanding of the Kingdom of God.
  • Expose the student to the possibility of God's call to missions for his/her life.