
Shiloh offers an excellent program for PreK4 students who are 4 by August 1st. 

All PreK4 students are taught by trained, loving teachers.  The curriculum mapping includes Bible, phonemic awareness, phonics, math, unit studies for science and social studies, writing, and vocabulary development.   The school day varies between active and quiet activities, large and small groupings, and center times.  The preschoolers attend PE, Spanish, music, computer, and library special classes.  Each week, preschoolers worship together at chapel.  The PreK4 program prepares children for success in kindergarten.  The only way to really understand the whole picture of PreK4 is to schedule a visit to the classrooms with Alicia Brown or Jenny Schisler.  They can be reached at or

Limited spaces are available each year. It is best to fill out an application the fall before your child will attend.  Applications for the upcoming school year are available November 1 - November 15 each year. 

Springdale Campus

Shiloh offers two options for families.  PreK4 students may attend 5 days per week or 3 days a week which meets Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.  Both programs are full day beginning at 8:15am and ending at 3:00pm, and offer early morning care beginning at 7:30am.  For families who need care until 5:30pm, Shiloh offers an extended care program beginning after carline.

Extended Care

Extended care is a great option for families in which both parents work outside of the home.  Students from PreK4 through 5th grade can be enrolled in this program.  Extended care begins immediately after school and ends at 5:30pm on the Springdale Campus.  During this time, students are given a snack, work on homework, and participate in a variety of fun activities.  The cost is $10 per day. 

For more information about extended care contact:

PreK4 Basics


  • Introduce God's Word (Old and New Testament Stories)
  • Learn weekly Bible verses
  • Respect for American flag


  • Recognize upper and lower case letters
  • Associate letters with sounds
  • Identify rhyming words
  • Blend CVC pattern words
  • Follow 2-step directions
  • Order 3-part stories
  • Retell a simple story
  • Differentiate pretend/real


  • Recognize numbers 1-20
  • Count objects to 20
  • Identify shapes
  • Classify objects  by shape, color, and size
  • Work simple puzzles
  • Solve oral addition and subtraction story problems
  • Use manipulative and produce AB patters


  • Learn about seasons and special days on the calendar
  • Classify animals by characteristics
  • Recognize God as Creator
  • Differentiate living/non-living things

Social Studies:

  • Play cooperatively with others
  • Separate from parents
  • Obey school rules
  • Learn about community helpers
  • Learn about important historical person
  • Recognize God's hand in history

Physical Development:

  • Use writing tools and scissors with control
  • Reproduce letters and numbers with example
  • Write letters in name
  • Draw body with 8 parts
  • Walk, hop, skip, gallop
  • Throw and catch a bean bag.