The elementary school includes students in PreK4 through 5th grade with over 760 students enrolled between the Springdale and Pinnacle Hills campuses. The goal of our elementary program is to prepare your student for the future by laying a solid foundation of learning.
"Christian schooling is all about the fine-tuned intersection where both intellectual development and spiritual formation come together with a single-minded purpose of developing young men and women who pursue wisdom, knowledge, and a biblical worldview." - Ken Smitherson
Reading instruction addresses phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension strategies through modeling, practice in small groups, and use of graphic organizers. The main goal of reading instruction in all elementary grades is to develop critical thinking about a written text.
Math is more than memorizing facts. Math comprehension is built through manipulation of objects, a problem-solving approach, spiraled review, mental math computations, and exercise practice to develop a fluency in math. Students learn how math applies to real life. At every level, age-appropriate concepts are introduced as tools relevant for life.
Beginning in PreK4, students learn the importance of the written word. Kindergarteners produce a journal. First and second graders learn to write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Third through fifth grade students write summaries, paragraphs and essays.
Students in grades PreK4 through 2nd grade learn about our world through units created by Shiloh teachers using Abeka textbooks as a resource guide. Using the Abeka text, third graders study famous American heroes and culminate the year with a Wax Museum. American history in 4th grade ties to reading comprehension skills moving from the discovery of America to World War II. 5th grade focuses on Arkansas and U.S. history beginning with the Civil War and ending with the Civil Rights Movement. Historical fiction novels are integrated with the study of the history timeline. All grades study Arkansas history. Patriotism, democracy, and freedom are words often heard in our social studies program.
Science classes from PreK4 through 5th grade develop skills in gathering, categorizing, quantifying, and interpreting information, phenomena, and objects in the world God created. Through the use of inquiry-based teaching strategies, students make hypotheses, test their ideas, and draw conclusions. Each grade level covers age-appropriate objectives in life science, physical science, earth science, ecology, and technology through the lens of Genesis 1:28.
Each morning, elementary students participate in the study of God's Word through memorization of Scripture, Bible stories, and application to daily life. Lessons are built on the fundamental truths: God's character, His plan for mankind, man's fall and sin nature, man as the image-bearer of God, redemption through Jesus Christ, and Christ's return.
Extended Care
Extended care is a great option for families in which both parents work outside of the home. Students from PreK4 through 5th grade can be enrolled in this program. Extended care begins immediately after school and ends at 5:30pm During this time, students are given a snack, work on homework, and participate in a variety of fun activities. The cost is $10 per day.
For more information about extended care contact: meredithr@shilohsaints.org