
Is Shiloh Christian Accredited?

Yes. Shiloh Christian School is accredited by ANSAA (Arkansas Nonpublic School Accrediting Association), ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) and AdvancEd. Accreditation status is reviewed on a periodic basis; therefore, Shiloh maintains continuous self-study and improvement mechanisms. Shiloh maintains membership in all three ANSAA, ACSI, and AdvancEd.

How much does it cost to attend Shiloh?

Click here to see tuition rates.

Does Shiloh have a dress code?

Yes. The following links will take you to the appropriate grade area.
Secondary Dress Code
Elementary Dress Code

What type of Curriculum does Shiloh teach?

Click here for Elementary Academics.

Click here for Secondary Academics.

What age can my student start Kindergarten or PreK4?

The minimum age for enrollment in kindergarten is five years on or before August 1, and for pre-school it is four years old on or before August 1.

What time does school begin and end?

Springdale Elementary/ PreK4 students start their day at 8:15 a.m., and pick up times are staggered by grade starting at 3:00 - 3:30 p.m.  Early morning drop off is available at 7:30am. For students need to stay later than 3:30 p.m., Shiloh Springdale offers an extended care program allowing students to stay until 5:30 p.m.

Pinnacle Hills Elementary/ PreK4 students start their day at 8:15 a.m., and pick up times are staggered by grade starting at 3:00 - 3:15 p.m.  Early morning drop off is available at 7:30am. For students need to stay later than 3:30 p.m., Shiloh Pinnacle Hills offers an extended care program allowing students to stay until 5:30 p.m.

Secondary students start their day at 8:15a.m. and are released from classes at 3:40p.m.

Does Shiloh run buses?

Shiloh does not run buses in the same way as the public school system.  We do, however, run one bus that picks up at 7:15a.m. and drops off students at the Church of Pinnacle Hills in Rogers around 4:00p.m. The bus costs $400 per semester per student. 

Does Shiloh have an after school program?

Yes.  Shiloh offers an extended care program for students who need to stay after school.  Extended care begins immediately after school and ends at 5:30 p.m at the Springdale Campus and Pinnacle Hills Campus.  During this time, students are given a snack and participate in a variety of fun activities in the classroom, gym and playground.

After school care costs $10 per day at both campuses.

What is a GME?

GME stands for Global Missions Experience. Global Mission Experience gives students in twelfth grade an engaging international mission experience for credit in their high school studies.

Where do Shiloh graduates attend college?

Shiloh graduates have been blessed to be admitted to many of the top institutions around the country. Wherever you student wants to go to further their education, we want to help them get there. 

What is the mission of Shiloh Christian School?

To develop Godly leaders who engage their culture and change it.

What percentage of graduates attend higher education?

From our first graduating class in 1983 until present, 98% of our students pursue higher education. Many make the President's List or the Dean's List at their chosen institutions.

Does Shiloh offer AP classes?

Yes.  Shiloh offers Advance Placement classes in Biology, US History, World History, Spanish, and Art.

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