
Beginning in elementary, students are taught to be leaders with their words and actions. PreK4 - 5th grade students learn the fundamental of leadership and a biblical worldview through fun yearly chapel themes. 

Secondary students have the opportunity to grow their personal and team leadership skills as they look at Christ as the ultimate model of servant leadership. At Shiloh, we want to go beyond our walls. Students serve adults and children across Northwest Arkansas by teaming up with local organizations to make a positive difference in our community. 

  • 20,000 + hours - Students and teachers at Shiloh consistently log over 20,000 hours of community service each year.
  • 50% & Growing - 50% of Shiloh's Secondary students choose to participate in one of our leadership clubs including SALT (Service and Leadership Team), CLA (Chick-fil-A Leader Academy) and STUCO (Student Council). This number continues to grow each year. 
  • Elementary leaders - Every 5th grader is given a leadership role through opportunities like student council, tech team, praise team, robotics team, and book buddies.