Dr. McDaniel's Weekly Newsletter - October 1, 2023
Shiloh Family,
Welcome to 91 degrees and the 1st day of October! It just makes you want to bust out the flannel and roast some marshmallows over the fire....or the hood of your car. All jokes aside, this is such a fun time of year. I know you are tired but the fun of fall is about to start!
Over the last few weeks we have had various events, games, etc. It has been so great to see our hallways, bleachers, and worship center so full! That is something special and I praise God for it. When these halls are full the more people we can minister to and spread the love of Christ through Kingdom Education. We are impacting so many people in Northwest Arkansas right now. Im tellin' ya, don't miss it! I am fired up about all that we have going on this fall. These are some of the best days of our lives!
Below is the link to the weekly newsletter, check it out!