It's Christmas Time!

December 17th, 2024

What stands out to you about the Christmas story this year?


It may be too early for you to say. Some of you are wrapping up work responsibilities, finals, and everything else the end of the year has to offer. But as we approach Christmas I want to challenge you–


Read about the birth of Jesus in the Bible. Read it slowly and let God teach you or encourage you with something this year. 


This is a conversation my wife and I have every single year. Throughout December we read about the birth of Jesus in Matthew and Luke, and we let that guide our conversations right around the actual day of Christmas.


So, with that in mind, I wanted to share with you what God is already reminding me of and encouraging me of this Christmas season. If I could say it plainly, this would be it:


Jesus is the Light of the World


There is a unique theme that develops from page 1 to the end of the Bible. God speaks and brings light into the world. 


Genesis 1:1-3 says this,

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
–Genesis 1:1-3

There was darkness–God spoke–there was light.


God then goes on to make everything in the world and everything is good–even people. There is light in the world and people are a reflection of that light. 


But just a few pages later Adam and Eve sin and what do they do? They bring darkness into the world. But here’s the thing–it’s not like the sun stopped working. The darkness was in their hearts, minds, and souls. 


Then, thousands of years later, God looks on the darkness that’s in the human soul and says again, “Let there be light.” 


But this time that light comes in the form of a human–an infant. The Book of John says this…


In him [Jesus] was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
–John 1:4-5

And now, because of Jesus–

  • Jesus, the one who lived a perfect life.

  • The one who died for my sin and your sin.

  • The one who resurrected and defeated death, sin, and darkness.


Because of Jesus–you can receive light and walk in the light. 


See, here’s the thing. If you have never repented of your sin and believed in Jesus, darkness is still dominating you. And in one moment of repentance and belief, God can look at your soul and say, “Let there be light.”


And Jesus will come and make His home in your soul–and you’ll be dominated by the Light–the true light of the world.


If you have repented of your sin and believed in Jesus–if you are a Christian–I want to encourage you with this truth:


The darkness you may experience will never overcome the light. What does John 1 say?


In him [Jesus] was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
–John 1:4-5

Jesus is the Light of the World–lighting up the souls of all who come to Him and lighting the path for all who seek Him.


This Christmas, will you seek Him? 


No matter where you're at or what you've done, Jesus is the Light of the World, and He is 100% committed to lighting up your world. 


Have a great Christmas!

--Brandon Moore, Dean of Spiritual Development & 10th Grade Bible Teacher